Spiral of Life Curriculum (on hold): These are classes and topics that have been offered in the past, but not presently scheduled. They mayplease see below for overview and information: Abdominal Pelvic Balancing: Self Care; Ways Of Being; Reclaiming Wholeness & Healing; Elemental Medicine Path; Becoming a Wise Elder
Each cob of corn is a spiral with one row circling into the next row, not separate. Each kernel of corn is a seed with all the genetic information or blueprint for creating a whole new plant with multiple cobs of corn with the same pattern.
Our lives and development in some ways follow a spiral pattern of growth and development as well, as we continue to go in cycles in what we are learning and what we understand. Sometimes it seems as though we come back to the same lesson or situation again and again, and yet, if we are doing our personal work we are coming back to similar situations with a perspective that is a bit wiser and prepared to make better choices and move on to another level. Everything is cyclic, and it takes us a certain number of repetitions to understand and integrate the learning and insights and move forward
***The Spirals of Life curriculum is being redesigned, reorganized into weekend retreats; please check back for details, which should be available gradually over the year
This curriculum will complement the Foundations of Traditional Healing work, building on the personal healing and understanding that will facilitate personal and community healing synergistically.
This is an 8-hour workshop. These Self-Care teachings will be scheduled in 2 four-hour blocks or full day, and will include the Maya Abdominal Massage, a Mixteca approach to empacho (blockage), Visceral Manipulation and some Anatomy/Physiology and vagal nerve function.
Knowledge will be integrated, to provide foundation for understanding how the basic techniques taught can help with a variety of symptoms and common problems. This will give participants tools and knowledge for their own health and is not intended to provide training in providing these teachings and services for others
Not scheduled at this time; perhaps later in 2025
write to selmasroka@gmail.com with questions
Suggested Donation to Well Rooted - $150 for the 8 hour training
Who/Where are the models/examples of wise elders in our lives? How can we find a way to become an Ancestor that our Descendants can look to and value and follow?
Where is the path to being a Way-Shower, to make it easier for those that come behind? What are some steps we can take in our own growth, that can enrich and make a difference in our personal lives, our families and communities? We will work with some universal challenges, e.g. facing our fears, taking the mask off, caring for a changing body, relationships, creativity, authenticity, peace, surrender and letting go. We will look in part to the Eight Gates, a process developed by Angeles Arrien, as categories of emotional/spiritual work we need to do to make progress in this journey. We'll use Angeles Arrien's book, The Second Half of Life, as reference, as well as many others
These are complex issues to focus on, and so much better to work on with support and community. We will end the 8-session series with celebration of our process and progress. Come, commit to join in the journey toward a better future
Dates for 2025 to be determined
write to selmasroka@gmail.com if interested you'll be added to list to be contacted for scheduling in the future
Fee: $300
Weekend event, beginning Friday evening, 6-930PM
Symbolism of the Five Universal Shapes (circle, square, triangle, spiral and equidistant cross).
Then continuing through Saturday and Sunday: Explore the archetypes of the Warrior, the Teacher, the Healer and the Visionary, as aspects of our Ways of Being in our lives, that cross all boundaries, and that we all experience and practice to varying degrees. Honor strengths of each, gain insights about yourself; and consider the shadow of each. These archetypes are based in part on Angeles Arrien's Four-Fold Way. Learn ways to practice and develop more fully in any/all of these ways of being.
Sessions facilitated by Selma Sroka MD, Integrative Family Physician and Traditional Practitioner
Five Universal Shapes Test:
Take the 5 Universal Shapes Test (Circle/Triangle/Spiral/Square/Equidistant Cross) developed by cultural anthropologist, Angeles Arrien, and learn about what your preferences symbolize for your inner life focus
Way of the Warrior:
The warrior, who shows up, does her/his duty and through utilizing the tools of power, presence and communication, is able to develop more effective leadership.
Way of the Teacher:
The Teacher, who is always open to outcome, without being attached to outcome, who values constructive communication and works to develop wisdom and trust
Way of the Healer:
The Healer, who asks that we pay attention to what has heart and meaning, practicing our most powerful medicine, which is Love, and growing our Courage
Way of the Visionary:
The Visionary, who tells the Truth without blame or judgment,
expresses Creativity, and gives Voice to what is seen
Fee:$350 (10% discount if paid in full by cash or check by
To schedule www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/WRL5JV
Nurturing Wholeness with the Seasons
This workshop series of 4 modules, is a way to learn to nurture aspects of ourselves by focusing on Spirit, Mind, Body/Nature and Emotions in relation to the season with which they are connected. While these aspects are parts of a whole, it is helpful to look at them from different perspectives.
Fee: $300
1. Nurturing Spirit
What is Sacred? What makes something Sacred? How do we honor and steward the Sacred in our lives and world? To explore these questions, join us for a time of discussion and sharing story as we journey toward a better understanding of, and relationship with, our lives and one another as spiritual/energetic beings living in physical bodies.
2. Nurturing Mind
This module focuses on the power that comes with giving our attention and full listening to another person, along with the harm that can be done when our words are not used with integrity. We will reframe conflict as an opportunity to grow and transform ourselves, our
relationships, and communities and discuss different styles of dealing with conflict.
3. Nurturing Nature/Body
This module looks at the body's important systems for communicating, monitoring, and
interacting with our environment (the chemical/hormone system, electrical/nervous system, immune system, circulatory system, and the microbiome) and addresses some of the emotional, mental and behavioral aspects related to comfort food and emotional eating. We will also learn some ways to intervene naturally for common GI symptoms and imbalances such as gastritis, IBS, and leaky gut.
4. Nurturing Emotion
In this module, we will learn ways to identify and track the false beliefs that we hold which block us from living our fullest, happiest lives. We will discuss ways to work with and clear these beliefs and their fear-based reactions and offer gratitude for the wide range of experience that comes through our emotions.
Space is Limited-Register Now!
To register: www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/WRL5JV
Being redesigned as weekend workshop: 4 modules will be offered to explore some ways that the elementals interact, support and are key to the health of our spirit, mind, nature and emotions. We will also learn and practice some ways to incorporate the power of the elementals into healing practices and rituals, for ourselves as well as others. Modules can be taken individually, but will be more complementary to each other, if all are taken. They are also designed to complement the Traditional Healing and Ways of Being curriculum. Fee: $300; NOT avail for registration yet; Check back in the fall
Location for all: 890 South Robert St,. West St. Paul, MN (unless we need to take it online)
For Winter: Fire - Burn, Clear
Next up: , TBA
Fire is my Spirit: Fire burns and clears energy, spaces; Fire transforms matter to air and water and represents spirit to many. Fire purifies. And the spark under the right conditions will erupt into flame, representing power. Fire also represents the heart of the matter, courage and leadership. Elemental Fire is the potential; it can help us find the courage and endurance to change and transform. We will work with some ways and practices where fire can help us with our life's work and healing
For Spring: Air/Wind - Perception, See
Wind is my Breath: Air, Wind, Breath are essential for life; Air can hold and carry many energies, waves, vibrations, e.g. light and sound. Air makes it possible for us to perceive light, dark, shapes, textures and depth, as well as sound and scent, allowing us to communicate with ourselves, with each other and with nature in general. Air flow, current, supports communication via a variety of frequencies. Our breath allows us access to oxygen, which is so essential to the vitality of our bodies' cells, tissues and organs, and can also put our bodies at risk e.g. from toxins and/or infectious aerosol droplets. Breath can calm or stimulate. Air can help bring things closer, and to light, and can help move things away, dissipate. We'll learn some ways to work with our Air/Wind for well-being and protection as well
For Summer: Earth - Ground, Nourish
Earth is my Body: Earth provides the matter and substances which are organized into our bodies, and all the Living and Non-Living Beings of what we call Nature. The Earth supports us physically to make our way through this life. We can connect to its ability to Ground and Nourish in a variety of ways, to achieve balance and healing within ourselves and in relation to all other beings of the Earth. We will work toward better understanding of our relationship in this web of connectedness, as well as some ways to work with Earth toward better balance and relationship
For Fall: Water - Flow, Open
Water is my Blood: Water is Life/Mni Wiconi: Water is a vital liquid to life that makes up about 70% of our bodies. There is a polarity to water, and it is called the "universal solvent". Water flows downstream, through the path of least resistance, and is especially useful when we are working with emotions. We can partner with water and its properties, to seek healing, cleansing, clearing, purification and transformation. There are a richness of ways that water can help us in our lives, and we will work with some of them and describe some others
Living in right relationship with all beings includes Ancestral Healing work. Here's a wonderful practice offering from one of my teachers,
(Constellation Facilitator & Soul Voyager, Leslie Chiechanowski felt called to post the Ancestor Prayer on you tube)
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